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      At the early stage of the degree of standardization and fire in the current international, high fire water tank's main role is to improve the possibility of temporary high pressure water supply system, and can effectively ensure the temporary water supply system reliability and system performance, providing standard system working performance of fire protection systems require pressure; which can effectively ensure the fire occurred after the initial fire with water.
      According to the provisions of the "code of fire protection design of buildings", fire water tank can store 10 minutes of water storage, when the fire with water content less than 25 ml, through the calculation of fire water tank for fire water storage than 12m3, still can use 12m3 tank.
      Height of the height of the fire water tank set
      According to the provisions of the relevant departments: gravity fire water tank should set in the highest part of a building and can meet the requirements of the worst point hydrant mouth pressure. High fire tank height should ensure that the most unfavorable point fire hydrant hydrostatic pressure. When the building height not more than 100 meters, high-rise building fire hydrant at the most unfavorable point of hydrostatic pressure should not be less than 0.07MPa; when the building height of more than 100 meters, high-rise building fire hydrant at the most unfavorable point of hydrostatic pressure should not less than 0.15Mpa. so high place fire protection water tank height must be in line with the hydrostatic pressure of demand and production standards.
      Height of the height of the fire water tank set.
      The following is an anti freezing requirement:
      when the fire water and the production and life use a water tank, it should ensure that the fire water is not used as a technical measure for him.
      in order to ensure the reliability of the fire water supply, when calculated the volume of fire water tank is less than 36m^3, still should be the 36m^3; in order to ensure the pool cleaning, maintenance, and water for fire emergency water and fire pool of total volume of more than 1 O00m3 (high-rise building fire water tank
      The total volume of more than 50Om^3), should be divided into two independent use of the fire pool.
      the fire water pool of the time, should not be more than 48h, water shortage area can be extended to 96h.
      the amount of water in the fire pool, including the amount of water used for outdoor fire protection, shall be in accordance with the relevant requirements.
      the design of fire water tank water should ensure that often flow, to prevent corruption.
      the fire pool in the cold area should be anti freezing facilities in the storage tank area should be guaranteed to be flammable, flammable liquid does not flow into the fire pool facilities.
      Conclusion and suggestion
        it is recommended that the three specifications of the high fire tank water storage and setting height of the same principle, that is, the fire tank should meet the fire early water supply the   most unfavorable floor and parts of fire water pressure and water requirements.
        high fire water tank of water storage should be with the actual fire water demand to production, suggested that the fire water storage tank water should meet the 60s fire system required 2 tank and four nozzle of water.
        the fire water tank setting height should meet the minimum working pressure of the fire protection system at the most unfavorable point.
         set constant high pressure water supply system and to ensure the most unfavorable point fire hydrant and sprinkler system water and water pressure building, if such a situation can not set fire water tank.
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